Aptivio Plays: Engaging New Buyers

We'll go over best practices when Aptivio Informs you of a new buyer

Why is this Play Recommended?

  • Aptivio automatically detects buyers that fit your ICP
  • Aptivio will notify you if a new buyer appears for any of your followed opps, allowing you to identify a new point of entry
  • Based on benchmarks, roughly 3-7% of your Total Addressable Market can be influenced by this play
  • Your expected conversion on Opps targeted for engagement campaigns is as follows:
  • Assuming a targeted whitespace of 1000 "Active Research" Opps, you could see the following conversion:

What are the Pre-Requisites of this Play?

  • Your buyer personas must be configured (this is a requirement to launch an Aptivio config)
  • To recieve new buyer notifications you must allow email notifications in user preferences [article]

How does this Play work?

  1. Aptivio identifies a new buyer that fits your ICP
  2. We notify you about this new buyer along with any topics or signals gathered for them
  3. You can visit the opportunity page to gather buyer information for prospecting