Aptivio Plays: Engaging New Buyers
We'll go over best practices when Aptivio Informs you of a new buyer
Why is this Play Recommended?
- Aptivio automatically detects buyers that fit your ICP
- Aptivio will notify you if a new buyer appears for any of your followed opps, allowing you to identify a new point of entry
- Based on benchmarks, roughly 3-7% of your Total Addressable Market can be influenced by this play
- Your expected conversion on Opps targeted for engagement campaigns is as follows:
- Assuming a targeted whitespace of 1000 "Active Research" Opps, you could see the following conversion:
What are the Pre-Requisites of this Play?
- Your buyer personas must be configured (this is a requirement to launch an Aptivio config)
- To recieve new buyer notifications you must allow email notifications in user preferences [article]
How does this Play work?
- Aptivio identifies a new buyer that fits your ICP
- We notify you about this new buyer along with any topics or signals gathered for them
- You can visit the opportunity page to gather buyer information for prospecting