How is the Opportunity Score and Stage defined in Aptivio?

In this article you will learn about the computation of opps' score and stage.

What makes the score of an opp? 

The score is a metric to help you understand the impact of an opportunity (or the level of demand). Every opportunity has a final score; the higher, the better. 

Every signal has a score to the opportunity; the final score is the addition of all scores. 
i.e An opportunity has 2 website visits, 3 competitor searches, and 5 topic searches. Considering that a web visit score is 10, competitor search is 7, and topics search is 5, the total score for this opportunity will be 66. 

👉 A score above 200 is considered good. 

What makes up the stages? 

One of Aptivio’s filters is Stage. As you can see in the screenshot above, we have 2 stages: Buying Stage & Engagement Stage. 

Buying Stages:

Buying Stages are the predictive stages of the opportunity. It’s an automatic computation run by Aptivio’s algorithm to help you categorize your opportunities by buying stage. One signal is not enough to move an opportunity’s stage: it’s a combination between signal type and signal volume. 

👉Fit Only Opportunities may be in your target market but haven't exhibited strong buying signals.
👉Active Research Opportunities that are in the "active research" buying stage have exhibited signals that indicate they're researching a product or solution like yours (keyword searches, website/competitor site visits, etc)

👉Sales-ready opportunities are pre-qualified opps that have not only shown a high volume of buying intent signals, but have also engaged with your product or team.

Engagement Stages:

Engagement Stages categorize the opportunity by the engagement level.  

👉 Targeted accounts are accounts you've sent emails, invited to connect on LinkedIn, requested a warm intro, etc.

👉 Aware accounts have opened your email, clicked on one of your ads, or visited your website etc. 

👉 Engaged accounts have replied to your messages or emails

👉 Interested accounts have replied positively to your messages. 

The system categorizes those depending on the engagement signal we catch from every opportunity, and thus helps you structure your engagement funnel to take the best next action on each stage.