Aptivio Plays: Requesting a Warm Intro to Enter a New Account

We'll go over best practices regarding warm intros

Why is this Play Recommended?

  • Aptivio allows you to tap into the combined power of your team's LinkedIn network!
  • When your teammate has a connection to an opportunity, you can request a warm intro to help prospect or progress the opp.
  • Prospective clients are much more likely to respond to an existing contact or connection, saving you time in the process of prospecting or unblocking a deal
  • Based on benchmarks, roughly 10-20% of your Total Addressable Market can be influenced by utilizing your network
  • Your expected conversion on Opps targeted for engagement campaigns is as follows:
  • Assuming a targeted whitespace of 1000 "Active Research" Opps, you could see the following conversion:

What are the Pre-Requisites of this Play?

In order to request a warm intro:

  • At least one member of your team has to upload their network to Aptivio
  • Your CRM must be connected if you'd like us to identify "Stuck" deals in your existing pipeline

How can I perform this Play?

  1. Select an existing opportunity you'd like to request a warm intro for
  2. Scroll down to the "My Network" section of the Opportunity Page
  3. Click on any teammates that you'd like to request an intro from and share the Opp